Hi, I'm Alex I studied Computer Science at UC Berkeley. I build at the intersection of collaborative intelligence, cyber-physical automation, and high performance distributed computing to accelerate scientific research. I value learning in public, open source, and reproducible research. Learn more
Experience Bioinformatics Software Engineer at Tempus, May 2021 - Present Writing modular pipeline components used in oncogenomic assays, and automating variant characterization systems on GCP. Software Engineering Intern at Google, May - August 2018 Worked on the Device Inventory team on a project related to data engineering and information retrieval for a schemaless database of corporate device assets. Software Engineering Intern at Intuit, May - August 2017 Fullstack work that powered performance analytics for core infrastructure. Education B.A. in Computer Science at UC Berkeley, 2016 - 2020 Organizations - Upsilon Pi Epsilon (CS Honor Society), iGEM, CHAOS, Ukrainian Club, West Coast Swing, Running Club
Portfolio Academix Created a functional demo using Free Busy and Google Maps APIs to automate planning meetings. Mirror Mirror on the Wall Designed a “Smart Mirror” that responds to voice commands to play music, give weather forecasts, etc. powered by a Raspberry Pi and a dynamic web interface, winning Honorable Mention and Crowd Favorite awards. JumboJobs A website that allows the user to search for specific industries in different locations to see job growth, average income, and more. Ray Tracer Rendered a 3D scene complete with patterns and shadows, earned second place in a programmatic art contest. Works In Progress Projects at various stages of development
Contact The best way to reach me is to shoot me an email at abondarenko@berkeley.edu. If you are interested in working, networking, or collaborating with me, do not hesitate to reach out.